When you hear Cincinnati, you think of Reds and Bengals, luscious landscapes and views, amusement parks and opera, museums and a great zoo. There is an abundance of accommodation options, and all Cincinnati hotels have variable ratings and prices accordingly. The hotel you choose will be an important part of your Cincinnati experience, so take the time to make the right choice.
Hotel ratings, otherwise known as star system or star rating, do not always reflect the quality and standard of the venue. The best way to find the hotel you will be most happy with is to review any descriptions or details you find either in your guide or on the internet. Look in detail at any photos taking notice of the atmosphere and age of the building. If you still have unanswered questions, call the hotel and ask them.
Get a friends review
Everyone knows someone who has been on an enjoyable holiday in Cincinnati, so why not get their opinion about where they stayed and places they know about. If you plan to be out on the town or seeing the sites most of the time then perhaps a lower rated hotel would be okay for you. Reasons a Cincinnati hotel may have a lower star rating are age, amenities, and lack of luxuries, and should be taken into consideration when choosing.
Do you love your luxuries?
Some would much prefer a hotel in Cincinnati with a higher rating for a number of reasons. The comfort, service, decor, and availability of things like pay TV, room service and internet can all be very popular amongst vacationers. Some will have out or indoor pools, gyms, spas or saunas, and all these extravagancies will really add to your holiday experience. Not to mention outstanding service at high rated hotels.
Prices differ according to quality, rating and facilities, and Cincinnati hotel prices range from approximately $60.00 for the lower end rooms to from $116.00 for top end rooms that are 4.5 stars and higher. The saying that you get what you pay for is certainly true, so be sure to look closely at the features each Cincinnati hotel has to offer.
Do your research
Hotel ratings, otherwise known as "star system" or "star rating", do not always reflect the quality and standard of the venue. The best way to find the hotel you will be most happy with is to review any descriptions or details you find either in your guide or on the internet. Look in detail at any photos taking notice of the atmosphere and age of the building. If you still have any unanswered questions, call the hotel and ask them. It can be a good idea to speak to people you know who have been and stayed in a Cincinnati hotel that they can recommend to you.
It can potentially ruin your holiday if you are let down or disappointed with your accommodation. If you spend time researching Cincinnati hotels prior to making your choice, you will be sure to have a great holiday. There are so many fun and quality things to spend your time doing while you visit, and having the right hotel can only enrich your experience. Do not make the mistake of only looking at the star rating, as they can sometimes be misleading.